Thursday, September 7, 2017

Come, We Try Again! *

This post title probably refers to this scene in The Pink Panther with Steve Martin.

Hola todos!!

Cool story, cuate: This week started out really rough. The days were still as long as the first few days, and I was pretty frustrated between the ratio of the amount of teaching to the loftiness of the expectations, some of which I didn't even know about. Thursday night, Hermana Robbins and I were talking and I decided to tell her just how much I was struggling. But before I could get the words out, she turned to me and said 'I keep thinking of that very first Adjusting to Missionary Life meeting, and the Spirit it prompting me to ask for a blessing.' After that, things got pretty deep, but the next evening we asked our district to give us blessings and even though they're pretty new at the whole blessings thing, they all came together and helped us when we needed it. Two other Elders got blessings with me and my companion, and 4 of them gave blessings, two for the first time. It was a really cool spirit there with us that night. I'm so grateful for a companion who I can tell my feelings to, and I'm grateful to have such a great district! Life was good those few days, but on Monday, I got back down in the dumps. My companion was only speaking Spanish which means I have to only speak Spanish which means neither of us say anything all day. I was frustrated with the lack of pondering time and praying time we were having. I miss the days when I could zone out at any given moment and not suffer greatly. Anyways, I was trying to figure out if I needed to change to be more obedient, or if I just really needed to be myself. More obedience means more blessings, but it also brings more stress and confusing feelings. I had asked all of Monday and into Tuesday and was getting frustrated with both a lack of answer and Spanish. The only answer I recieved all day was "I need to work on the attribute of patience." Not the answer I wanted. But, come the Tuesday night devotional, I learn that they're broadcasting Elder Dallin H. Oaks talking to the Provo MTC. As soon as he started talking, I dunno, I just heard what I needed to hear. I realized that the Lord had sent me an apostle with the answer to my question, and I had to be patient because the Provo MTC is an hour behind us here. I walked out of the auditorium into a night singing with rain! Looking back over this, I have no idea WHAT Elder Oaks actually said, or why I was having this problem in the first place, but I'm grateful that the Lord will take care of me as long as I just keep trying to be better.
Was that even English? ok, new topic.

BUTT-RACHETTING!!! Oh My! I super love this stupid and painful game (but only because I've never played it myself). It's a game Elder Isaacson brought from his family reunion. 2 people stand facing each other with a rope wound behind them that they hold with their right hand. You try to throw the other person off balance by pulling the rope, or, as Elder Isaacson puts it, by "playing them like a banjo at a southern hoe-down." He's pretty cool. I'll have to show you all the trick when I get home. (Unless you guys can actually see the videos I take...?) Um.... Other than that, just a lot of grueling spanish. We're going 100% spanish from here on out and I might die. I know it's good for me, but, no me gusta. Maybe Hna. Robbins will let me speak english at the gym in the morning so I can better taunt Noelle. She's starting to get good at sit-ups without me holding her feet. I'm so pa-roood!! Also, side-note for Evan, all the Elders are super impressed with how many pull-ups I can do. If I take a running jump, the door frame has just enough room for my fingers. Thanks for making me work out Boy! We'll have to compete when I get back and see if I can still beat you. ;)

Um............. Miss you a lot? I'd probably kill for an omlete, or even just some peaches. I miss being able to be dorky. But I'm grateful I have the opportunity to be patient. (I also miss sarcasm. Spanish doesn't actually believe in fun.)

I'm glad to hear about Erin doing so many fun things like theater, Improve Troup, procrastinating homework... and I hope Evan made it into the Smith's family because then I can be related to Mandy. Best of luck with your bed! Now you know how ours feels! I miss the days where I could sit on my bed without bruising my tailbone or bashing my head into the top bunk. Or when my pillow was actually a pillow. Good memories.

Ok, thanks for all the muscles! Gotta Run! (except that's not actually an option. Hna. Robbins hates running)

PS My 3:15 is actually your 2:15. Funny, huh!

Lauren and Heather Hopkins -- the sticker on Heather's nametag means she has 1 week left!

CCM food

"mi casa!"  "secret swamp (Danger)"

Look who I saw in the cafeteria! -- Noelle and her companion

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