Thursday, September 14, 2017

Y’all just got served!!

Hola todos!

It's that time again! The time where Hermana Baer relates an odd story very poorly! Let's begin.

Once upon a time (in Mexico), it was really cold for an entire week. Here we are in the middle of Mexico and we hadn't even seen the sun all week! (I'm not even going to mention how disappointed I am at the lack of deserts and cacti and tumbleweeds!!) Anyways, I woke up sick on Saturday. You'll never guess what day the infirmary ISN'T open. Yep, it's closed Saturday. I went the whole day praying for Sunshine, but it wasn't until Sunday evening that the sun exploded through the clouds. Anyways, we had service scheduled for Sat. afternoon. Usually the service activity is something like raking grass or moving this box over there (except they don't allow Hermanas to participate in that last service so...) But they surprised us with service in the kitchen. I made over 50 burritos for dinner. That's a lot of burritos, but more importantly, that's a lot of people I single-handedly got sick. I took Nyquil that night so I was feeling fine during all the Sunday devotionals, but there was A LOT of sniffling and coughing all day long. Heh heh heh. ...But seriously, oops. Don't tell Hermana Bennet. She already knows too much. So thanks for sending me with Sweaters! Also that tan skirt was my best friend all week long, so thanks, mom, for spending the time to make it.

Real quick, before I forget, I'm currently rooming with a Hermana Peterson. She will be heading to the Logan, UT mission in 2 weeks. I know y'all are celestial and everything, but will yinz that live there make sure to watch out for her?

Due to the fact that my compañera y yo have been speaking only Spanish for the last 3 days (and she was one of my burrito casualties), nothing else cool happened.

I think one of my best scriptural tie in's that I had this week was when I was teaching Relief Society (In English!) Someone said "We came to earth after living with our Heavenly Father. We'll return to live again with Him." For some reason, this time I realized that I was once living with my father in Heaven. And it wasn't just, 'POOF! It's a Lauren! Ok, here's the plan! Understand? Yes? Do you accept? Good! Ok, tie your shoes 'cause it's your turn now! Ready... Go!' NO. I once was spending time strumming a harp with the cool kids. Who even knows how long!! Long story short, it ties in in Alma 13:23: “And they are made known unto us in plain terms, that we may understand, that we cannot err; and this because of our being wanderers in a strange land; therefore, we are thus highly favored, for we have these glad tidings declared unto us in all parts of our vineyard.” 

Yeah it's a strange land!! I used to be able to spend the afternoon discussing what "repentance" was with Thomas Jefferson while strumming heavenly chords on my harp! These days I have to wear pants and walk up an icy hill in -10 degree weather just so someone can tell me I didn't subtract a number right. I realised just how short of a period this life is. It's almost like we come to get a body (Just gotta move this body back up state!) and to show that we really did accept the plan. That made me feel better. I was once a cool kid too.

I'll let you know. I'll return and report next week with a more spiritual experience.

Until then, Salud Todos!!


Morning sky, clouds, and mountains at CCM:

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